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your nature-based activities, events and green spaces today.
Nature Rocks Texas and their regional websites are managed by Texas Children in Nature and their regional grassroots leaders. Our partners input their information and are responsible for the validity of the content, times, dates and events. We take the time to vet each partner to do our best that all opportunities offered on this page are nature based and family friendly.
Nature Rocks Texas and it's regional websites contain information that is supplied from organizations in the region served by the website. The website is managed by Texas Children in Nature in partnership with our regional grassroots collaboratives and we are not responsible for inaccurate information or content supplied from a partner. We do our best to protect the website from spam attacks, but do not guarantee that spam might appear on the site from time to time. Texas Children in Nature is a network of organizations that have come together to connect more children and families with nature. TCiN is not a for or non-profit organization.